Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Circle of Love

You have no idea how long it took me to get this picture and they still not really in the right position.  I titled the post "Circle of Love" but there was not much love going on in the taking of this picture.  There was a lot of hair pulling, hitting, yelling, screaming...you name it, they were doing it. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Miss Matched

Michelle found an outfit for Aubrey that was on clearance at Little Miss Matched so I had her order it for me so I could be surprised when it came.  We finally got it today and it's really cute.  We found a coupon code online for a free pair of socks with any order.  Well, the "pair" of socks were actually three socks that were all different patterns.  I guess that's why they are called Little Miss Matched.  Oh, and they fit me, so I don't think that Aubrey will be wearing them anytime soon.

She's excited about her new outfit!

Emily loved the socks!

Noah spent the evening at Yaya and Papa's house.  He was so excited because he rarely gets to do anything like that by himself.  After bath Michelle dressed him in a shirt that said "Princess" on the front and he was not impressed. 

Hiding the "Princess"

Although he didn't seem to mind that it was pink!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl!

We went to Yaya and Papa's house today to watch the Super Bowl, but I think the guys were the only ones that really watched it.  I don't think I got to see even one commercial!  Of course the kids ran around like goofballs the whole time, but they always love spending time with their cousins.  

Emily and Noah watching the Puppy Bowl on the laptop.

When we got home Aubrey got to practice sitting. She's actually starting to try to balance herself now. 

Pretty good for someone who can't even roll over yet.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

More Bedtime Pictures

I swear if anyone else ever read this blog they would think I never dressed my kids.  Well, they wouldn't be entirely wrong, but we do get dressed sometimes. 

Emily refuses to acknowledge that it's winter time. 

Noah is surprisingly happy for having to go to bed without his binky.

Aubrey loves snuggling with her bunny. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

No More Binkies!

Noah got a special call tonight....from the Binky Fairy!  She told him that if he left all of his binkies out tonight she would come by and pick them up and leave a special toy for him.  He actually did it...I was so proud of him. 

Talking to the Binky Fairy (aka: Yaya) 

We finally got out of the house today in who knows how long, but it felt like it has been forever.  While we were at Target Emily found a mop that came with a pair of gloves.  She could barely contain her excitement, the girl is OBSESSED with gloves!

Being uncooperative as I was trying to take a picture.

 I guess the title of my post isn't totally accurate.  I should have called it : Two down, one to go!  Aubrey's still a baby though so it's justified.  Noah was getting WAY too old. 

I always know when she's not ready to go to bed...she refuses to take her binky!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Long Days!

It's been some long days around here with all the snow and all the kids home from school.  So every night I am REALLY ready for bedtime!

FINALLY relaxing before bed!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Goof Balls!

Well, we didn't get quite as much snow as predicted but it hasn't stopped yet. I think we probably have about 8-9 inches now. Before the snow got too deep Gabi and Sam came over for a visit and they decided to play dress up.

Love the peace signs!

I dressed Noah up so he wouldn't feel left out....or maybe so we could laugh at him. He thought he was a "cool guy" for a little bit, but then I think he realized it wasn't so cool and wanted to take it off right away.

I think he was beginning to realize he didn't look like a "cool guy".

After not eating for about a month of her life, Aubrey's legs are really chunking up! This picture makes me think of the teapot song: "I'm a little teapot, short and stout...."

Chunky Monkey!

Monday, January 31, 2011


They actually issued a Blizzard Warning for the county we live in! They are forecasting 12"-24" inches of snow for our area and I don't know if I am scared or kind of excited. The kids think they love it when it snows but last time they didn't even want to go out and play in it. This time, if we get all that snow, they won't even be able to go out and play.

She's really excited!

Noah had to call his cousin Claire to tell her about it.

Aubrey's all snuggled up and ready for what ever comes our way.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Another Boring Day!

I'm sure there will be several more boring days coming up as they are calling for A LOT of winter weather...yuck! So we will probably be stuck in the house for the next week if they are right (I hope they're not!)

I also hope that Emily learns to listen better or one of us might not make it through the week. She spent quite a bit of time in timeout today. She was not happy with me.

Her angry face.

Noah is always crazy....I caught a picture of him just before he dove into the couch to hide from the camera again.

"No picture Mama!"

As usually Aubrey is wondering what the heck is going on around here.

"They're doing WHAT?"

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Car Show and Crappy Pictures

We went to the Auto Show today with the Mudds and it was a lot of fun! My kids have been going stir crazy so it was good for them to get out. Aubrey was happy too because her Yaya offered to watch her so they got to spend the whole day together.

Of course I forgot to bring my camera (not just the battery this time). So now all I have are these crappy pictures from my phone. My camera phone and my kids don't get along because my kids never stop moving. These are the best that I could get.

Emily and Noah in front of a Corvette.

After the Auto Show we went to Cracker Barrel for dinner. The kids had fun with the golf tee games that are on the table there. Although I don't think that this is what they were intended for.
I think Emily was just having fun making a mess.

Noah pretended his were candles and kept singing me Happy Birthday.

Aubrey was worn out from spending a fun filled day with her Yaya!

Friday, January 28, 2011


We were getting ready to go somewhere the other night and Emily asked me where we were going and I said "We're going crazy!"

Apparently crazy is a great place because they were super excited.

So we pull up to Target and Noah informs us that "this isn't crazy...it's Tawget".

Noah's Crazy Face

Then we decided to stop at Kohls on our way home. This time Emily informed us "this isn't crazy either".
Emily's Crazy Face

I think this happened Monday night and, I kid you not, EVERY TIME we get in the car Noah asks "Mama, we goin' crazy now?"

And every time I say "Buddy, we're already there".

For some reason he doesn't believe me.

"Get me outta here!"

Thursday, January 27, 2011

It was a pretty good night until.....

Aubrey is getting so much better with her tummy time! I think she might actually enjoy it for more than 30 seconds now. She is seems like she is so close to rolling over...but who knows.

"Maybe this isn't so bad after all"

I should post pictures of Emily's first dance class from Wednesday. I actually remembered to bring my camera and everything. What I didn't remember is that I took the battery out to charge it so I would be ready. So I had my camera....with no battery. Nice.

Michelle ordered these really cute dance bags for the girls from Etsy and they arrived today. So after we got home Emily put all of her dance stuff in her new bag. Noah helped....I think everything made it in there in once piece.

Her "princess dance bag."

"Is this mine, Mama?"

So we were having a pretty good night. Everyone was dressed and ready for bed by 7:30...crazy right? I brought Aubrey up to bed and as I'm coming back down I hear a crash....so I hurry down the stairs to see what happened....just in time to see the cat puking all over the floor. Yea! Then I walk in the kitchen and see this ALL over the kitchen floor:

The piece on the bottom right of this picture is the biggest piece!

Apparently the dog knocked a bowl off the table and it shattered into a million pieces.

Hey, at least it wasn't the kids this time!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New and Exciting

It's so funny how kids get excited about the littlest things. Today, while I was at the store, I saw a football sippy cup that I just had to get for Noah because he loves all things football.

He was so excited when I showed it to him and said "Tank you Mama" about ten times. Apparently he was in the mood for picture taking today and actually asked for me to take a picture of his new cup.

He's such a "cool dude"!

Of course I felt bad that I was buying Noah something and not Emily so I had to pick her out a girly cup.

She liked it but wasn't nearly as excited as Noah was.

My sister, Michelle, actually discovered a way that Aubrey...dare I say liked...to be on her belly today. Thanks Shells! So we practiced this new and exciting tummy time today.

Maybe someday she will finally roll over!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Milking the Dog?

Last night one of our snakes shed part of his skin so there was pieces of it all over their cage. Emily noticed and wanted to know what happened and if the snake was alright. We explained to her that snakes have to shed their skin when they grow because their skin doesn't stretch. So later in the day I noticed a scratch on Aubrey's face and I asked Emily if she knew what happened because she had been playing with her. She said "I don't know Mama, maybe her head is getting bigger so her skin is coming off." She says the funniest things sometimes!

Speaking of funny things....I was upstairs putting the laundry away and I come down to find this:

"I'm milkin' Henry cuz I'm thirsty....you want some?"
Uhh...No Thanks!

Noah kept wanting to go potty today but every time he "tried" he never went. He said he wanted some Woody underwear so I got him some today, thinking maybe it will help. I tried to get a normal picture of him in his underwear but there was no pictures on the front so this is how he posed:

"Did you get a picture of my bootie?"

I think my kids are getting tired of me taking their picture all of the time. Half the time when I get the camera out they run screaming and hide in the couch. Even Aubrey has had enough, plus, she HATES the flash.

"Really Mom, another picture?"